
They are still the best of buds although Tux is now double the size of Boo.  He’s getting so big that he no longer fits in the kat tree we have.  I guess it’s time to upgrade to the SUV model J

So glad to have them in our lives!


Tux and Boo are fine and growing like weeds.  They do seem to be in the early teen spring fever stage and spend their time either running from one end of the house (wood floor) to the other  or sleeping!


The family seems to have settled down and newt allows contact although on his terms J  Boo and Tux will always be ‘brothers”. We LOVE the new additions to our home and thank you for giving us the opportunity to adopt boo and tux!


The names have stuck – Boo and Tux.  Tux is such a hoot.  He is curious, fearless and never stops purring, even when his head falls backward as he is sleeping in your lap.  Boo is still a bit skittish.  He’s the one that hides as Tux is racing down the hallway. He is a lover and will flop down on his back and let you rub his tummy forever.  We are so happy they have joined the family.  Our older cat Newt is still on the fence.  He is pretty much ignoring them and claiming my lap (as usual) when I’m upstairs.  When I go down to what used to be my office and is now one of two ‘kitten rooms’  he sits on a stool outside the pet gate and stares at the little ones.  He does the occasional growl to put them in their place put the kittens just look at him probably wondering why they aren’t on the other side of the fence as well.

Boo and Tux are now official family members with a license,  registered chips and getting ready to meet the vet in a couple of weeks for their get to know me and vaccinations updates.   Thank you  for offering the opportunity to add to our family!