8/17/11 (second adopted: Boulder):

these are some of the pics of them, they're doing great. It was rough at first but they get along great now. When sundown comes they wrestle and Boulder used to sleep with me but Aguafria kinda made it her territory and she makes sure of it cuz she puts herself to where I ican't move lol. Boulder used to lay on my chest when Ii slept but he's too heavy to do so lol. The tunnel, they love it a lot and have so much fun in it; they play with the ball once in awhile. But he loves the mouses - one day they all went missing, couldn't find em, lol - he hid them under my bed. He misses going outside; when Ii get the money I'm gonna get a harness big enough for him and take him for walks, I'm sure he would love that. He loves to lick yah to death lol and he loves getting his belly rubbed, it's so cute, he'll roll over like a dog.

7/10/11 (first adopted: Aguafria):

I've taken videos and photos of her, I'm working on getting them onto my pc to send to you guys. She has been very entertaining, lol sometimes she makes me laugh so hard, I can't wait for you to see the photos and videos. I totally understand how fast we can get attached to her, she's an angel. I noticed she's afraid of the outside world, today I bought a cat carrier and everytime I go near the front door she sits in it with big eyes, I think she felt really safe in it, and enjoys being carried around.