Adopted July 2009 (to ALASKA)


Was just thinking about you guys on our was back from the beach yesterday ( and how it was a important criteria, that Wiley, aka Dagwood, would live somewhere near water, because he loved it so...). Well that is a for sure !!  he is AWESOME !!  we go to the beach, pretty much every day !! that is where he is  happiest !!,, running the water line, chasing birds !  oddly enough, Ive never seen him actually swim, but he sure loves to roll around in it as long as he can touch bottom !! He will even settle for a little mud puddle, when he gets the chance.. lol.  He has two sisters now,, both rescues who luckily happened to find us !  a big sheepdog mix ,, and a alaskan huskie ... they all get along Famously !!  thank goodness.             Thanks again  for choosing me !!  forever grateful.


Wiley is doing AWESOME!! We have lots of exciting news to report!!! I have been lucky enough to find a few of his BABY TEETH on the floor (last week) even found one of his K9s!! So hes got most of his BIG BOY TEETH now!! and they look really big and white in that little black mouth!!

We went to our first puppy kindergarten class on friday!!! And he made me so very proud!! he did excellent!! He has learned to run next to me on bike and does very well with that so far!! Also, he has figured out that getting in the car = fun!! He just hops in on his own now, and he is not quite so nervous about all the sounds when we're driving anymore. He has started to lift his leg to go pee pee now, and does that little kick back thing when done with #2. We never made it on our fishing trip, so we didn't even get to use his life jacket yet, probably won't be till next year now, Summer is slipping by quickly now!! Well I could gush on and on like a new first mom, but i will go for now and try to attach a few photos. As always, THANK YOU !!!!!!


Just a quick note, to let you know that we are doing GREAT !! Wiley has mastered many tricks already !! he learns so fast I can hardly believe it!! Sit, shake, lay down, high five, ten. Still working on come and stay. He just loves toys !! Especially stuffed animals!!! If he were a girl, his name would be Flower or Daisy, as he stops to smell the flowers a lot !! He has not done any damage to anything !! He is so content, no matter where we are, or what we are doing ! He is still a bit nervous in the car but he's getting used to it. His worst habit so far is, he likes to sleep on the couch, which isnt really a big offense unless hes soaking wet! I got him a little pool yesterday, actually a rubbermaid watering trough, cuz there are no kiddie pools available here right now. So today we are going to dig a hole to set the pool in the ground a bit. He has gotten a bit taller and longer,and his hair has started to part down the middle of his back. The more I know him , the more I see Border collie in him?? Im guessing, chow,border collie and lab !



WE made it HOME !!! the whole trip went PERFECTLY !!!! and what a SWEET& SMART LITTLE BOY HE IS !!! & No accidents what so ever.. came up with the name,,, WILEY,," like wile E coyote seems to fit him, and i think he's already taken to it. I introduced him to the KENAI RIVER on the way home,he was a little nervous when his feet lost contact with the bottom. Then we met with my sister and all his cousin dogs at a little pond that we will visit regularly, and oh, what a great time he had!!! Got some photos I will send later, was nice to meet you and Jim. Good luck with Ancho, i keep thinking of him, hope hes ok !! we will be in touch. Thanks again for everything !!